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Re: Bailiffs?

The problem the BAA has got, With all the stretchs of water they have to patrol, Sorry to state the obivious, They don't have enough bailiffs to police every stretch of water they control and until that changes, Then we will continue to have these conversations.

Over the last twelve months or more I have fished the Lower Severn and the W/Avon and not once have I seen or been spoken to by a bailiff.

Its been suggested about volenteering to become a bailiff, So just out of interest what incentives are their to become a bailiff ? Depending on how close or how far you live from the river ? Unless you are fishing who is going to jump in there car and visit a stretch of river and check to see who are BAA members or not members ?

I would suggest that a large number of BAA members are only interested in going fishing and not interested in getting involved with the day to day running of the BAA.
Lets see how many members turn up at this years AGM and voice there concerns on how the BAA runs it self ?

Posted on August 07, 2022 at 3:18 PM

Re: Increased Security at Fladbury

If the Nait is private property as stated by John Williams on a earlier post. Which I would assume means no right of access to the public.With access only to BAA members?

Then why would the lock on the gate be removed ? If you want to stop people who have no right being there. Then why remove the lock on the gate?

Posted on August 04, 2022 at 9:16 AM

Re: Pershore, screwed?

Fishychris I suppose we will have to agree to disagree and in the mean time '' Nero fiddles as Rome burns '' or should I say the world burns ?

You talk about whats happening in New Zealand ? I remember about 18 months ago having a conversation on here about breaking lock down rules and fines ?

Looks like Boris and his rule breaking ( Party gate ) and his lies have have finally brought him down and he will be leaving number 10 in the very near future smiling

Posted on July 21, 2022 at 9:47 AM

Re: Pershore, screwed?

In reply to your last comments fishy chris? If you know your history the Industrial Revolution started in the 18th century in Britain and from there spread to other parts of the world and ever since the world has been burning fossil fuels for hundreds of years since.Coal,Oil and gas etc etc

The evidence is there that burning fossil fuels = green house gas = Global warming.

I asume people watch the news and see whats happend in London ? and other parts of the world.

Posted on July 20, 2022 at 6:05 PM

Re: Pershore, screwed?

Fishychris I asume you are one of the many out there who are '' Climate Sceptic ''
OLC you talk about abstraction from the Wye and other rivers ? Perhaps if we had more rain through the summer, Then maybe they would not have to take some much water from our rivers.

Perhaps some time in the future the W/Avon will go the same way as the Wye ? When you consider how much agriculture there is in the Vale of Evesham ?

The Vale of Evesham is known as the '' Garden of England '' So if we continue to have long dry summers ? Where will the water come from that agriculture needs ? Will it be abstracted from the Avon ? Just like you suggest that has happened to the Wye and we all know what is happening to the Wye at the moment ?
Its being shut down to angling ?

Posted on July 19, 2022 at 8:48 AM

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