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Re: Hempseed ?

Below is a quote from Fish UK and it clearly states that uncooked partical baits can kill fish.
Hempseed is a seed so if not cooked it can kill fish and the reasons are given below ? So draw your on thoughts on the use of uncooked hemp ?

WARNING. Undercooked particle baits can kill fish.
Most particles, pulses and seeds need to be soaked and / or boiled and simmered before they are safe for the fish to eat.
Some particles can swell up to twice or even three times their original size as they are soaked and take in water. If a fish eats a dry, un-soaked particle this swelling could take place inside the fishes stomach and lead to its death.

In terms of fish welfare an over-cooked particle bait is better than an under-cooked particle bait

Posted on June 09, 2022 at 1:24 PM

Re: Hempseed ?

Any who knows the history of using hemp for fishing. It has been suggested that it was the Polish refugees fleeing the Nazis during the second world war that first used it over here for fishing. So its been around for over seventy years.

Roach and barbel anglers have been using it for years to help catch fish with no evidence what so ever to suggest in harms fish in any way. If people wish to use it uncooked then that is there choice
Thankfully we all entilted to our own opinions, I for one will go on soaking it and cooking it until it splits. smiling

With June 16th not far away now. Good luck to every one for the start of the new season

Posted on June 09, 2022 at 11:15 AM

Re: Hempseed ?

For any one who has never used or cooked hemp for fishing I thought I would post this video on how to prepare and cook hemp by people who know what they are talking about when it come to cooking hemp ready to use as a bait smiling

Posted on June 08, 2022 at 3:51 PM

Re: Bargain !

Sounds like a great rod to use in those tight little swims on any small river like the Teme and the Arrow wink

Posted on June 07, 2022 at 2:44 PM

Re: Hempseed ?

I would have to agree with your last comments Baz. Uncooked hemp or hemp that has not split would be useless when using it to catch roach . Hemp that is not cooked or split, How would you put it on a hook when roach fishing sad and we all know how good hemp is for catching roach

Also I think you will find that most experienced barbel anglers who use hemp would say that unless it is cooked and split would other wise be useless and never use it

Posted on June 07, 2022 at 2:40 PM

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