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Re: Is a closed season needed?

Maybe a trial shortened/abolished closed season should be trialled on some sections - lower Severn for example? I am hoping to get out soon - where would you recommend for fishing in flood?

Posted on December 18, 2015 at 6:13 PM

Re: Is a closed season needed?

All of us can make speeches... Perhaps it is because for the last month I have felt unable to safely venture out to fish rivers hovering around the 3 metre mark that I feel the closed season is an issue worth discussing while I'm twiddling my thumbs away from my favourite hobby. The Teme report has lots of content based around river management - it is mainly concerned how the course of the river should be managed and appropriate habitats created. Heavy flooding and predation in recent years are surely also major factors in its decline. Also the presence of invasive species such as Himalayan Balsam are major worries. I believe that if the current trend of weather continues, fewer and fewer tackle shops will exist in the vicinity of the Wye and Severn as anglers stay at home - surely that is something to be concerned about too?

Posted on December 17, 2015 at 4:31 PM

Re: Is a closed season needed?

I think your point about commercial fisheries is a really good one - if any type of water needs a break it is certainly these. How many times do we fish alone on a stretch of river bank? Quite often in my experience in the Winter months - compare this with the continually fished carp puddles and just look at the poor condition of many fish. Is there concrete evidence that the current closed season enhances fish welfare?

Posted on December 13, 2015 at 4:35 PM

Re: Is a closed season needed?

I don't question the fact that the BAA membership offers excellent value for money - which it clearly does. I just find it frustrating that weather and river conditions such as those on the Wye and Severn in recent weeks prevent most anglers from venturing out. I do fish in Winter, but it's not my idea of fun when a raging torrent is running and banks are lethal. With the numbers of anglers about at this time of year doesn't nature get a break anyway?

Posted on December 11, 2015 at 4:27 PM

Is a closed season needed?

It looks like we may experience yet another winter season when few fishermen will feel like venturing onto severely flooded rivers and lethal bank sides. I am starting to wonder if it is really necessary to continue with the three month break, which in effect means that rivers can't be fished for a 5-6 month period. I have always been happy to accept the closed season arguments, but with it looking like the effects of global warming will lead to regular floods, is it time for a change? Just wondered what members thought?

Posted on December 09, 2015 at 10:10 PM

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