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27th Jul 2020

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Re: Rubbish

I walk Arley most days with my dog. There is always rubbish in the Meadows from walkers and fishermen. The other constant in the evenings is illegals fishing. I don’t understand why the estate don’t police the car park and fields. The amount of rubbish left is just disgusting.

Posted on July 08, 2023 at 1:06 PM

Re: Rod Rings replacements or Making your own Rods - a local supplier

Thanks for the post, I have a set of 13foot Edgar Sealey blue match specials from around 1975 which I love and are in need of new set of rings / eyes. I also have an old Slapton Steel Apollo 2 piece rod I have also used for ledgering which I want to rebuild.
I had given up on trying to find a supplier. But looking at the website they have the lot!
Brilliant find !

Posted on January 19, 2023 at 5:59 PM

Re: Re: Booked Waters & “Fisheries Work Plan” - Updates May 1st for Work 4th May

Fished there today off the car park pegs. Just packed up when about six dinghies full of idiots came down from Bidford and stat messing around in the middle of the river. No one fishing but god knows what it will be like through the holiday period. No respect of consideration for anyone.

Posted on June 20, 2022 at 7:16 PM

ReWood Norton

I visited there yesterday. Car park overgrown and fly tipping evident. All the pegs completely inaccessible unless you fancy sweating for an hour with a bank stick to find a peg.

Posted on June 15, 2022 at 7:27 AM

Ladyham More bad behaviour

The picture was taken by me this morning (Friday 24th September) at the top end of the meadow. I am just left speechless by the behaviour of whoever thought that the best idea was to light a fire and burn their rubbish including GLASS bottles and cans at the top of a peg when they can just as easily take them home AND if they have taken a car onto to field they don't even have to carry them. This is a field where the farmer grazes his sheep. These scumbags are probably not BAA members and have not booked a night permit so its probably going to be impossible to track them down. But again on a BAA stretch its going to tarnish the association. This lowlife need a physical education if you know what i mean.

Attachments: IMG_1676.jpg
Posted on September 24, 2021 at 7:24 PM
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