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Re: Underdale fishery just asking at the moment about a fish in ?

sorry all its just that commercialism is just not for me .
I believe in leaving things natural , not posting what I catch for others to follow , then the crowds will descend , then when you want to go fishing no pegs available , does this make sense ?
I will hazard a guess that dale is a good man with good intensions , but also probably retired , an is doing all this because has lots time on hands .
only my opion leave things be , don't advertise nothing , keep eyes open an mouth shut , as a specimen angler this is my mind set , more anglers brings more pressure on fish , constant repeat captures eventually brings fish scared to pick a bait up , harder to catch , an ultimately fish deaths .
dale have ask for yourself , do you consider fish welfare foremost .
the ill informed don't even rest barbel before returning , I always have bootlace tied to landing net handle leave barbel in water for min of 5 mins , tie handle to bankstick . then release barbel back into current when fully recovered .

Posted on October 17, 2017 at 7:12 AM

Re: Underdale fishery just asking at the moment about a fish in ?

im sure your intensions are meant well trying to commercialise underdale .
but some how feel your efforts would be better directed towards muddy holes in the ground , were I feel commercialism belongs , an should stay .

Posted on October 16, 2017 at 7:44 AM

Re: RE Bailiffing

when was this survey ? was it sent out by post ?

Posted on October 16, 2017 at 7:37 AM

Re: RE Bailiffing

to summerise the baa is a good club with a variety of waters to fish , there are a few baliffs in my opion that should not be baliffs . other than that most baliffs are fine and polite .
it would be amicable if the baa were to relax the sunset rule for winter monthes as someone has suggested , in winter allow members till fish till 9 pm , as 9 pm on the evening is hardly night fishing ???
most barbel anglers would be quite happy with the rule off can fish 2 hours in to sunset , is this a lot to ask
I always abide by the rules , but just wish the baa would modify them a bit to be more accommodating to barbel anglers , partically for the ones that travel a distance to fish .

Posted on October 13, 2017 at 8:40 AM

Re: RE Bailiffing

CRIS D do you have to be a tale tale twit , people like you belong back at school always telling tales . as iv said before busy bodies should concentrate on what there doing , not what someone is doing causing no harm to others . if you want to put some good input to the baa I suggest you purchase a litter picker instead , an direct your efforts there !!

Posted on October 11, 2017 at 10:41 PM

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