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Re: Salmon Spey Casting -Where


Total Posts: 99
Joined: January 16, 2016

As a keen salmon angler this one is close to my heart but does cause some frustrations as spey casting really needs lots of space and the freedom to walk downstream a few paces after each cast and there are few places on BAA rivers where you can do that without annoying barbel/silver anglers. I do fish for barbel as well btw. So I guess it depends if you just need to practice and don't really expect to catch, in which case you can stay in one spot. To be honest you have very low chances of a salmon on any BAA rivers unless you know the best spots and most of them don't have the space for a spey cast - upper Severn is probably your best chance but I have only ever managed a switch rod there - even then it is very tight. I fish Holt Fleet regularly and have often thought I could try there with a spey rod but in reality you will not often either have the right depth, suitable flow or the space there. Of course it is close season for salmon now on the Severn anyway - 17th on the Wye, so maybe fish a fly/bit of fluff without a hook if you don't want to get in trouble with the EA.
Best spot I have found for spey casting practice is Stacklands on the Wye and the golden period is the coarse close season when you have the place to yourself. In the coarse open season I usually speak to the coarse anglers on the way down to tip them off that I might be wading through their swim at some point close to the bank obviously - they are mostly understanding and actually the Wye fishing byelaws give priority to salmon angers to wade through but always best to get other anglers views before quoting your rights at them. Of course there are no bloody salmon in there either - not been a fish caught from there (known as the Caradoc estate) for 4 years - but you never know!

Posted on October 13, 2022 at 1:39 PM

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