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Bank erosion at Pershore

Warning notices put up on eroded bank.
Following a report of severe bank erosion on the Avon at Pershore left bank below the weir, members of the Fisheries working party have put up warning notices. Members are aske…

Trees down -update

Reports of fallen trees during recent high winds - update for Lindridge.
Eardiston Mill access track - fallen tree removed.   Lindridge - fallen trees across first footbridge downstream from car park blocking access. The trees have been removed, …

Fladbury fly tipping

Fly tipping again at Fladbury.
Again we have an issue with fly tipping at Fladbury which our local baillif Nick Langston has had to deal with (thanks Nick). Fly tipping is becoming more and more of a problem…

Tree down at Blackstone.

Tree has now been removed.
The tree that was partially blocking the access track on the slope up towards the cutting through the sandstone has now been removed. We have also checked both river meadows and …

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