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Re: illegal Fishing


Total Posts: 11
Joined: August 29, 2017

As the author of the original post , it was not meant to set off a set of complaints against any members of the BAA team or create any arguments which has what has seemed to have occurred, but merely advise that there was an issue in a certain meadow on a stretch of BAA water.

I have most utmost respect for the BAA bailff teams and the work parties which is an unforgiving job due to the times that we live in and the task that faces them.We must remember they are all normal beings such as ourselves and have other responsibilities such as family and jobs as well as the work they do for the BAA.

What may assist is that members offer positive ideas that could be implemented by the BAA but with the help of members assistance.

I am not sure as to the actual number of members within the Association but i can imagine it is a few thousand

Members will come from all walks of life and have jobs which may in turn have some benefits for the association which could assist.E.g if some one works in the construction industry they may be aware of scrap materials that could go into the forming of fishing platforms etc

If all members look at it as their club , then maybe some positives can come from it.

Because of the size of the BAA it , is unlike smaller match groups or fishing clubs where members get together on regular basis and hold club discussions and are able to control their waters due to them being smaller scale operations, and therefore it may appear that the operational side of the BAA feels remote from the members.

The following are just some ideas which i have thought about which could be possible , and could be discussion points, and offer my assistance if required.

1. The AGM is held obviously once a year , but could there be say quarterly meetings for members held in say 4 differing locations , i assume most members are from the Birmingham and surrounding conurbations such as the Black Country, Worcestershire ,Warwickshire areas where if a meeting was held in one of the above locations then may be it would be an avenue to allow discussions on any matters that members feel that need addressing could be held in a civil manner. ? I am aware that there are members from all over the country , but any items that they wished to raise could be addressed at these meetings. The local meetings would also give a more welcoming feel to the Association and not feel as remote.

2. The large volume of available fishing water under the associations banner makes it near enough impossible for the working parties to clear every peg on every stretch of water ..even if you had hundreds of volunteers would still be a incredible task.

Some options which could be possible? ..

Could a BAA volunteer day be held say just before the river season opened , where for just one day any member can turn up and assist with bank clearing , stabilising pegs , platform building , peg cutting etc etc. For one day out of the year (or 2 if the idea caught on ) this would greatly assist the working parties and could possible enable current unfishable pegs to be come fishable once again.If numbers were known in advance , members could be spilt into groups across many fisheries and could open up many areas of water that could be enjoyed by members.

Many years ago i had some involvement in the probation service and part of the role of the probation service was to utilise young offenders in tidying up city centre areas , redecorating buildings that had fallen into repair. Could this be an opportunity for the BAA to engage in discussions with services like the probation service, where young offenders could carry out bank clearance etc??? it benefits both parties and i believe it would have no cost.Could say the probation service in Warwickshire or Worcestershire assist on the Severn and Avon for example

May be a long shot ..but how about sponsored pegs. Could the tackle industry companies sponsor a number of pegs and assist with the upkeep ? The platforms could have their company logos on and so they get free advertising as well as the BAA getting funds for maintenance?

Again if trying to keep all the waters in a good condition , is unrealistic,could possibly a reduction in the number of meadows help and therefore more time can be afforded to less pegs and bringing them in to a more fishable state. I admit i do not confess to know the legal obligations to this in fishery ownership and if you take on a couple of meadows do you have to offer to take on a whole stretch of additional water?

Is there possibly more than could be done to assist the actual landowners that BAA watersare situated on. My original post made reference to Copthorne Meadow 10 which currently has no restricted access from the BAA car park right trough until you reach the stile at the end of Meadow 10 . When i have fished this stretch in recent years there ware a gate which restricted access for vehicles , so you could not get past the BAA Car park. I had actually spoke to the farmer at the time , as he was having trouble with flytippers who had dumped huges piles of rubble in the BAA car park,which i assume form parts of his land. Could additional or replacement gates for the landowner be installed out of BAA membership funds?? again i do not the legalities to this, but may be away of preventing illegal fishing?

There may be many other ideas that could assist the BAA , and as mentioned i would be willing to assist if i can in any way , as i do believe , the more people than can spare a few spare hours over a year /season may help our organisation in the future.

Posted on August 23, 2020 at 1:47 PM

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