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Re: What is happening to Apley?


Total Posts: 663
Joined: May 30, 2015

Unfortunately it’s not as simple as just putting one of our locks on.The farmer obviously doesn’t want this as people will be driving across his field where he has livestock.I have never known that gate to be open and have always had to climb over the gate.Another problem is the gate being left open which I have come across on other fisheries with our locks on.With it being so close to the road it would be absolute carnage if the sheep all got out there.

I agree it’s not ideal though and maybe another stile might help but there are other fisheries with good access and behind your peg parking on BAA waters to try in the meantime.

I fished it a couple of weeks ago and two chaps had been fishing the feeder all day and not caught.I fished the same peg after they had packed up and had 25lb+ of Chub and Barbel fishing the stick float.With the levels so low the fish are easily spooked by a big feeder or lead crashing in so sometimes it’s not because the fishing is crap it’s just a change of method that’s the key

Posted on July 25, 2022 at 11:44 AM

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