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1st Apr 2020

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Irrespective of BAA's size and clout, I cannot say whether BAA have the ears of government or other connections which would make such representations effective. However the Angling Trust is doing just what you've mentioned and have developed a well thought through, phased strategy for a return which has incorporated informed and influential sources. See posts on 'when we fish again'. As the tags show YOU can add your voice very easily (and thereby enhance the clout).

Posted on May 06, 2020 at 9:33 AM

Re: When We Fish Again

I've posted this on the ANNOUNCEMENTS tag. It is better here

BAA waters like those throughout the country are closed, but with the virus spread beyond the peak it is right and proper to begin to plan for how we can begin a phased return to more normal times. The Angling Trust has been working with government and stakeholders within the angling community to devise a safe, workable phased plan to enable angling to re-commence. You can read their conclusions on the AT website.

More importantly and something everyone of us can do to hasten this day is to email your MP and draw their attention to the well argued and practical strategy drawn up by Jamie Cook (CEO AT) and his team. The AT has on its website a simple form for us all to fill and it will be emailed to your MP which will put pressure on government not to ignore our interests when decisions begin to be taken THIS COMING WEEK about how and when to ease the lockdown. Go to

Most of us can make the time (about 5 minutes) in the next few days to do this and it is a little sacrifice for what could make an enormous difference. Come on do it!

Posted on May 02, 2020 at 9:18 AM


BAA waters like those throughout the country are closed, but with the virus spread beyond the peak it is right and proper to begin to plan for how we can begin a phased return to more normal times. The Angling Trust has been working with government and stakeholders within the angling community to devise a safe, workable phased plan to enable angling to re-commence. You can read their conclusions on the AT website.

More importantly and something everyone of us can do to hasten this day is to email your MP and draw their attention to the well argued and practical strategy drawn up by Jamie Cook (CEO AT) and his team. The AT has on its website a simple form for us all to fill and it will be emailed to your MP which will put pressure on government not to ignore our interests when decisions begin to be taken THIS COMING WEEK about how and when to ease the lockdown. Go to

Most of us can make the time (about 5 minutes) in the next few days to do this and it is a little sacrifice for what could make an enormous difference. Come on do it!

Posted on May 02, 2020 at 9:12 AM

Re: Is our rule legal?

The subject of this post seems to have changed from compatibility of BAA rules and prevailing legislation to the culinary qualities of fish. Well into my 7th decade I must confess to having eaten a variety of freshwater fish in my very early teens, in particular on a summer's day with a friend, a methylated spirit powered primus stove and his father on the Thames in Oxfordshire. We sauted perch (OK), dace (delicate) gudgeon (surprisingly tasty). It was a one off from different times and not something I would ever contemplate now. These were the days when in match fishing the catch was taken to the scales and many fish (goers and no goers) never made it back safely.

I did catch a good perch (around a pound) which I took home for the pot when i was about 12. It was uninteresting and my father called it 'delicate' - a euphemism for tasteless. The dog ate most of it. However perch, pike and zander are staples on restaurant menus in Germany so my experience might be down to the cooking. My paternal grandfather did fish during WW2 and caught roach to supplement the rations. In the early 1960s (when I could recognise freshwater fish) i can recall seeing roach and bream briefly on a wet fish slab in a branch of Macfisheries in a northwest London suburb. As we are all finding today; times change.........

Posted on April 25, 2020 at 8:47 AM


As the exchanges above reveal, a natural reaction to curtailments on our freedoms inevitably leads to a range of responses from the simple reaction that restrictions are too extreme to those which while accepting of the general thrust of these restrictions, explore ways whereby they might interpret the spirit of the restrictions without following the letter. All make some valid points.

Much as I would like to be fishing right now (it is something I might WANT to do) I have to accept that it is not a necessity (I don't NEED to do it to stay alive). We are in a national emergency the like of which none of us have ever experienced. It requires extreme responses which include the need to stay in one place (home) to reduce both our own chances of being infected and potentially infecting others. Our needs - necessities to maintain (our own and others') lives - to obtain food for example, and those of us who have to go to work to maintain these necessities for the nation: supermarket workers, food processors and distributors, those involved with benefit applications and delivery and related necessary services including emergency services, public transport and all importantly the NHS. Without these groups exposing themselves to greater risks than the rest of us who can generally reduce them, very few of us will continue to have our needs met.

Like so many of us the 'novelty' is wearing thin, but any alternative (until we can cure and prevent the spread and/or have certainty - through mass testing - of the likely dangers) will take us further down the road to social breakdown and chaos. I am afraid we are in for the long haul.

Posted on April 02, 2020 at 9:03 AM

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