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21st Aug 2018

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Re: Annual renewals

So its been suggested that the solution would be not to have a lock with no codes on the gates.
Would be a solution to the problem of having to get out of the car,Sort out the code on the lock
Open the gate drive through the gate and closing it behind you, The same when you leave ? Just how hard is it to open and shut a gate when you arrive and leave ? Or maybe the BAA should remove the gate completly then you wont even have to get out of the car to open the gate ?
So what happens if there is live stock in the field ?

So lets assume the gate codes lock are removed, So I would assume that would mean any one could have access to the venue ? If memory serves me right ,The BAA have had problems with fly tipping on some of there venues in the past and also what would you do about non members poaching BAA waters when its put on a plate when it comes to gaining access to BAA waters ?

So what would happen with the introduction of day tickets ? How easy would it be for some one to turn up with out a day ticket and taking a gamble knowing that if the bailiff dont turn up Then they get away with fishing for free ?

Posted on November 26, 2021 at 5:29 PM

Re: Fladbury - Worst result in living memory

This might be worth a read ? A debate in Parliament on the 15th November 2021 on the state of our rivers and the discharge of sewage in our rivers.

Posted on November 23, 2021 at 11:41 AM

Re: Fladbury - Worst result in living memory

I would suggest that voting for brexit and leaving the EU has made things worse when it comes to whats allowed to be discharched into our rivers ? Had we still been in the EU then this goverment and the water companys would of been taken to court and could of faced large fines.

I think every knows how Borris and his tory goverment feels about the EU and its laws, rules and regulations .

If you take global warming and we get more flooding in our rivers . Even more sewerage will be pumped in to our rivers and waterways simply because it will be easier for water companys to discharge it in to the rivers ,instead of allowing it to back up and enter peoples homes .

You only have to look at whats happening to the river Wye with the amount of discharge that is happening now with whats being allowed to enter the Wye from chicken farms.

Water companys answer to share holders and not to people who use our rivers and waterways for sport and leisure pursuits

Posted on November 22, 2021 at 4:37 PM

Red Spot ?

I see our old friend ''Red Spot '' a well known barbel that gets caught from time to time is alive and well and has been caught again . This time weighing in at 17lb 12 oz.

The guy who caught it has posted on Facebook. It will be interesting to see if he puts in a claim for a new Severn barbel record ?

Posted on November 19, 2021 at 5:37 PM

Barton Left bank Gate lock

Took a trip to Barton left bank yesterday afternoon evening and on arrival noticed their was no lock on the gate .
I dont know if the BAA is aware of this ?

Posted on September 17, 2021 at 11:52 AM

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