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Re: Eardington-disgusting behaviour

Any one now fishing the Nait at Fladbury will now know they have fitted a lock on the gate . Because of our friends from the travelling community causing problems on there .

Posted on August 15, 2021 at 4:58 PM

Re: Nafford

As we move in to the Autumn and winter months the stinging nettles will die back smiling
So access should be come more easier.

It has produced some very big barbel in the past wink

The only draw back , It can be a bit of a struggle to get back up the hill and back to where the car is parked sad

Posted on August 08, 2021 at 6:03 PM

Re: Fish theft from canals

Lets wait for a reply from the the BAA General Secretary John Williams and lets see if he puts out a statement on behalf of the BAA . He is the one person who can clear this matter up once and for all ?

Posted on July 23, 2021 at 4:54 PM

Re: Fish theft from canals

The issue here is . That just because you dont agree with some thing Then you are argue its wrong or unworkable. The CRT say the it is against the law to return zander back in to the canal . That is what they have said and you can not argue against that . You may disaggree with it You may suggest that it is a unworkble law that cannot be inforced .

The BAA has a Bye-Law that all zander must be returned to the canal when caught by a member.
With the threat that if you are caught by a BAA bailiff then more that likley you with have your membership cancelled and you will not longer be able to fish there waters .

The CRN clearly state they own the fish that swim in there canals That is a fact that you cant argue with The CRN also clearly state that it is illegal to return zander back to the canal .
You may disagree with that statement The fact is the there in black and white .

The issue here is the bye-law issued by the BAA states that all zander must be returned when caught . I would suggest that if the bye-law was broken and a member lost his membership . Then I would suggest it would be easy for the member to take cival action or criminal action against the BAA, When clearly the CPS state that you cannot coerce some one in to breaking the law

So in the future the BAA could find it self in a court of law trying to defend its actions .

The one person who can clear this matter up once and for all is the General Secretary John Williams of the BAA

So Mr Williams if you are reading this. Then I invite you to make a statement on behalf of the BAA and clear this matter up once and for all

Posted on July 23, 2021 at 3:18 PM

Re: Fish theft from canals

Here is a quote from the CPS

Part 2 of the Serious Crime Act 2007 creates, at sections 44 to 46, three inchoate offences of intentionally encouraging or assisting an offence; encouraging or assisting an offence believing it will be committed; and encouraging or assisting offences believing one or more will be committed.
These offences replace the common law offence of incitement for all offences committed after 1 October 2008. They allow people who assist another to commit an offence to be prosecuted regardless of whether the underlying substantive offence is actually committed or attempted.
Section 50 of the 2007 Act provides a defence to the offences in Part 2 where the encouragement or assistance is considered to be reasonable in the circumstances the person knew to exist or he reasonably believed to exist.
Section 51 of the 2007 Act provides a limitation on liability to the offences in Part 2 where the offence encouraged or assisted was created in order to protect a category of people and the person doing the encouraging or assisting falls into that category and was the person in respect of whom the offence was or would have been committed. This would cover for example a child who encourages or assists a sexual offence of which he or she was to have been the victim.

Part 2 of the Serious Crime Act 2007 creates, at sections 44 to 46, three inchoate offences of intentionally encouraging or assisting an offence; encouraging or assisting an offence believing it will be committed; and encouraging or assisting offences believing one or more will be committed.
These offences replace the common law offence of incitement for all offences committed after 1 October 2008. They allow people who assist another to commit an offence to be prosecuted regardless of whether the underlying substantive offence is actually committed or attempted.
Section 50 of the 2007 Act provides a defence to the offences in Part 2 where the encouragement or assistance is considered to be reasonable in the circumstances the person knew to exist or he reasonably believed to exist.
Section 51 of the 2007 Act provides a limitation on liability to the offences in Part 2 where the offence encouraged or assisted was created in order to protect a category of people and the person doing the encouraging or assisting falls into that category and was the person in respect of whom the offence was or would have been committed. This would cover for example a child who encourages or assists a sexual offence of which he or she was to have been the victim.

So going by that statement I would suggest that the BAA are inciting members to commit a criminal act . Knowing that as the law stands . That it is illegal to return zander to the canal .

So guys draw your own conclusions . You may suggest I am wrong .Are the CPS wrong in what they are saying ?

Posted on July 23, 2021 at 10:33 AM

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