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Re: Breaking lock down rules ?

On a side note, one thing to be aware of which the police can do, is to instruct you to return home if they feel you have travelled an unreasonable distance. This, again, is entirely subjective, however if you have travelled past other venues en route, you would have a hard time explaining why you couldn't have just fished one of those. If your closest available water is 30 mins away, then that is deemed to be your local one. If its 200 yards away then that is local. But anyone planning to go fishing, just be aware that you may be asked to pack up. This doesn't mean you've committed an offence, but failure to comply with such a request is an offence, I believe.

Going by what you say Chris If you have traveled past other venues on route to your chosen venue . Lets say I am driving to Severn Stoke and I get pulled over by the police and asked where I am going and where I have come from . Lets say I am from a part of Birmingham ? and lets say that this police officer knows the Birmingham area well and he then tells me . That there are closer places on the Severn you can fish . Also there are canals that are local to your area where you live ?

So according to what you say Chris He has every right to say ? Sorry you have to return home ?

Posted on March 11, 2021 at 4:47 PM

Re: Breaking lock down rules ?

Its was agreed by the Angling Trust and the government that the rule was that if you went fishing , You had to stay local.OK I will agree that is not the law . It still don't alter the fact its a rule Stay local . We all know what local means don't we ? Local pub ,Local news agent, Local supermarket,Local shop. Local friends and family etc etc

In society we all have rules and they are there for a reason.We may not like them .The BAA has a rule of no night fishing with out a night fishing permit . Join any fishing club and they all have rules.
Join a golf club,Gym etc etc and they all have rules . In society we all have rules that we have to adhere to . They are there for a reason OK they may not be the law . But they are still the rules and they are there for what ever the reason . So in theory break those rules and you suffer the consequences.

So I will stick by what I have said earlier that driving out of you local area to go fishing is breaking the rules agreed by the Angling Trust and the government

Posted on March 11, 2021 at 10:41 AM

Re: Breaking lock down rules ?

Here is a quote from the Angling trust website

''You should be able to show that your travel to go fishing is in accordance with the government’s instruction to stay local and you are following the Angling Trust’s travel guidelines ''

Its there in black and white on the Angling Trust website . Go to the Angling Trust website and read for your self ? Perhaps some body can explain that making a 40 minute drive to go fishing can be classed as staying local ? Those rules were agreed by the Angling trust with the government ? and it clearly states that you have to stay local . No if's No buts you have to stay local.?

Here is another from the BAA home page


QUOTE: “fishing is allowed as exercise so long as participants adhere to the rules on staying local, gathering limits, social distancing and limiting the time spent outdoors”

Once again it clearly states adhere to staying local . Even the BAA are saying you must stay local ?

Posted on March 10, 2021 at 10:05 PM

Re: Breaking lock down rules ?

Johnny , Neil you can say what ever you like about me . ''Water of a ducks back'' as far as I am concerned .

The truth of the matter is Johnny and for what ever the reason. You wont either accept or claim responsibility and you are in complete denial for your actions that you broke lock down rules and broke the law .

You your self wrote that you had to drive 40 minutes to the Lower Severn . I never wrote that you did
So call me all the names under the sun it don't bother me
Be a man and for once accept you were wrong . Lets not kid our selves here Johnny when you got in your car and drove for 40 minutes . You knew what you were doing and you knew what the rules were and yet you chose to ignore them for your own self gratification .

I think Johnny if this was a court of law You would be found guilty as charged . I rest my case Lol

Posted on March 10, 2021 at 4:25 PM

Re: Breaking lock down rules ?

Neil not wishing to get in to another feud with you ? You say ''This is not the place to accuse any one of breaching rules '' The fact of the matter is , This is a forum where things are talked about and discussed .

What ever you may say about me . The facts are there J C broke the rules and the law when he drove for 40 minutes to fish the Lower Severn . By his own admission he stated on B F W he drove for 40 minutes . When the rules clearly state to stay local .
Where would we be if every if every one took that attitude to the rules and the law ?

Second point I was never banned or removed from B F W .

Third point you say I posted your medical records on here ? Its was you who posted your medical records on a open page on B F W that any one can read . The thread was called '' My season is over '' and you were perfectly happy to let every one know about your medical condition . Believe it or not it was a genuine concern about your welfare when I said what I said and here we are again you raking up the past and starting a feud again .
Perhaps if Johnny had not broken the rules in the first place and stayed local ? We would not be having this conversation . So please Neil don't lay the blame at me . When it is not me who broke the rules and the law ?

Posted on March 10, 2021 at 11:40 AM

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