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Re: Unhooking Mats & Handling of Fish

"The obvious facts read that no Barbel should be retained in keepnets, that is common sense, I can see no reason for barbel to be retained this way. I put forward an idea in a match situation any Barbel caught could be weighed and returned asap, that to me seemed worthy of discussion"...…..

ONELASTCAST, the above statement by you has no foundation and no factual evidence to back it up I'm sorry to say. It is just your opinion and you are very much entitled to it.

I'm 53, have been fishing since the age of 6, matched fished for 40 years and have never once witnessed a barbel go belly up. In actual fact I have NEVER see a dead barbel in any river!!!!
Your idea of weighing in every barbel caught then returned immediately is unachievable unless you had, say, 12 sets of scales in the match. River matches are far different from being on a pool where 40 or so anglers are within a stones throw of each other......on a river there could be a mile between first and last peg!!

My personal opinion is that the barbel society, and specimen anglers in general have done their utmost to discredit every other form of the sport.
If you're not catching barbel then you're not a true river angler.
If you're not sat in a bivvy for days at a time, using 3 rods that cover half the pool and piling in kilos of boilies then you're not a carp angler
If you're not prepared to stick 2 treble hooks into a beautiful 6oz roach and use it as live bait then you're not a true pike angler...…..

The list goes on and on.

I wish people would let others enjoy the sport for what it supposed to be....a nice relaxing few hours out in the countryside, in the fresh air, watching the wildlife and maybe catching a few fish.

Nobody is perfect, and we've all maybe done things that are unavoidable, like a deep hooked perch, or foul hooked fish close to the eye etc but nobody I know deliberately goes out to harm their catch. If you think that then I suggest that fishing might no be for you anyway

Posted on January 11, 2019 at 2:33 PM

Re: Unhooking Mats & Handling of Fish

Makes me laugh when anglers throw a fit about putting fish on grass. You do realise what lies beneath the water,right? Reeds, roots, stones, sunken trees...all the sharp and dangerous things that fish love to hang around. You never seen a shoal of barbel gouge deep troughs in a gravel bed?..or a shoal of carp completely flatten a reed bed during spawning? A lot of fish damage is not caused by the use of keepnets but by the fish themselves doing what fish love to do.
And that's one reason why Koi keeps rarly keep potted plants in the pool because of the damage fish do to themselves
Some people need to give their head a wobble....lmao.

Posted on January 10, 2019 at 10:49 PM

Re: Unhooking Mats & Handling of Fish

Probably one of the safest places to keep an exhausted barbel, or any fish for that matter, would be in a well staked out keep net. And that is not just my opinion, but also that of Keith Arthur who mentioned it in a column of his in one of the angling mags last year.
You've only got to think about it logically, and not just jump on the PC wagon and say what you THINK is the right thing to do.
An exhausted fish will simply dive straight into the nearest weed, even after 10 minutes recovery in the landing net, because it hasn't go the energy to fight the fast flows of the river. Once in the weed, us, as anglers have no control of what happens next, and if it decides to go belly up its too late to help.
At least in a keep net you can keep a close eye on its condition and act accordingly.
The reason most river anglers don't take a net is because of distance travelled by walking to pegs, deciding to travel as light as possible.
So, if you see someone with a barbel in a net, don't slag him off, pat the guy on the back because he's probably taking more care of his catch that you are.

Posted on January 09, 2019 at 9:59 AM

Re: Unhooking Mats & Handling of Fish

I must say, I've just watched the video and can find absolutely NOTHING wrong with it at all.
A lovely 10lb barbel is a thing of beauty, and sadly I have yet to catch one. But when the day comes I will be doing exactly the same. Place the fish on soft grass in front of a purpose built holder for my phone so I can take a much treasured photo. A ten second timer on my phone enables me to take all my fish photo's. The fish is back in the water within a minute of being landed., and that includes weighing if necessary. The fish care comes in the recovery time taken before letting it swim off again. "ONELASTCASTS" comment about catch, unhook and release would apply to smaller fish not worth a pic. If you think this is unacceptable then you don't understand just have hardy fish are. I keep Koi and know how to handle fish.

One final word from me.....congratulations on the capture of a fine fish.

Tight lines

Posted on January 08, 2019 at 6:15 PM

River Severn at Apley Estate

Hello everyone, does anyone have any information about Apley Estate on the river Severn?
Again, its another new venue for me, never see the place before. I'm thinking of parking right at the top end by the Worfe stream. What are the pegs like? I'm trying for a few chub so any help and advice would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance

Posted on January 08, 2019 at 11:53 AM

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