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30th May 2015

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Re: The future of the BAA

Well said Crag,a lot of valid points there,it's true,people are quick to criticise but don't want to do anything about it!

Posted on March 01, 2017 at 7:51 PM

Re: The future of the BAA

Just out of interest,how many people who are critical of how the baa is run and who are complaining here about various things have bothered to turn up to the last agm?Or any agm in recent times?How can you moan about how things are done when you don't bother to turn up to the agm?This is every members opportunity to share their views with other members and the people that run it and suggest ways for the association to move forward.How many turned up to the last one?30!Out of all the members that is quite poor to be honest.It seems people are quick to criticise online but can't be bothered to do anything about it.
Mr Care your attitude is a typical example of this,when it's suggested that the exec committee is looking for new faces,your attitude is that you've got better things to do!Well stop moaning about how it's run then if you can't be bothered to do anything about it!
As for the subject of night fishing,it's not as simple as just allowing it or not on a venue.The baa don't always own the land/access to a fishery so even if the baa wanted to permit night fishing the landowners and/or local residents may object to it.

Posted on March 01, 2017 at 7:48 PM

Re: Ruffe, Gudgeon an other 'bits'

I quite often catch a dozen or so Ruffe on the staffs-worc canal at castlecroft every time we have a match there.The little buggers shut their mouth tight and puff their head up when you try and unhook them.But apart from there I only see the odd one anywhere else.As for the gudgeon I don't know what's happened to them.There are nowhere near the numbers there used to be on the canals.I think one theory is that gudgeon prefer more polluted water and with the canals and rivers being a lot cleaner than they were say 20 odd years ago this might of caused a decline.

Posted on December 16, 2016 at 11:09 AM

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