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13th Feb 2015

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Re: 19 Contests booked on 15 Waters on 7 Days between 20/11/2021 and 16/01/2022

Just to be absolutely clear, we have not stopped selling night permits on venues booked for contests. What we do is advise members when they book night permits, if there is a contest booked for the following day. Some members accept this and know that they have to pack up once the club arrives, others choose not to fish on that particular night. The decision is up to the member.

Posted on November 17, 2021 at 9:00 AM


Hi Folks.
Just a reminder that the AGM is scheduled to be held on Thursday 11 November at The H Suite, 100 Icknield Port Road, Birmingham B16 0AA at 8.00pm.
The meeting is open to all current BAA members and is the first to be held for two years.
Members wishing to attend must have their 2021 membership card available in order to gain entrance.
In addition to the formal business, presentations will be made by Fisheries and Bailiffing officers, and members can raise any issue deemed relevant by the Chairman.

The agenda can be found on the following link.

Attachments: AGM_Agenda_2021.pdf
Posted on November 03, 2021 at 9:51 AM

Re: bob and paul zander fishing at knowle sands !

Correct. The last episode in the series is Sunday evening BBC 2 at 8 o'clock. However the episode was actually recorded at Severn Stoke.

Posted on October 02, 2021 at 4:11 PM

Re: Night fishing and bad behavior at Fladbury

Once again an interesting thread has been hijacked by a couple of individuals intent on destroying each others reputation. This is a regular occurrence whenever the word barbel is used in any context and its usually the same people. It really is time that you either grew up, or took your petty squabbles elsewhere, because we are fed up of hearing them.
We want to hear everyone's views on this forum, but personal vilification will not be tolerated and unless you can modify your posts - you will be prevented from posting at all.
I'm sad that it has come to this and I hope that the various parties will take heed, but be assured, this is your final warning.

Posted on September 17, 2021 at 11:09 AM

Re: Fish theft from canals

Following representation from Carl Nicholls of CRT regarding our Bye-Law about all fish being returned including Zander, and the possibility that this could be interpreted as incitement to commit a crime, the BAA has amended its Bye-Law para. C.3 to read as follows:

C.3 Removal of Fish Stocks

No coarse fish shall be removed from Association waters with the exception of any invasive non-native species. Members may retain caught fish (with the exception of carp) in a suitable keepnet or keepsack, provided they are returned alive to the water with as little injury as possible, on or before the completion of fishing. Members may remove game fish from Association waters subject to Environment Agency byelaws.

And before anyone asks the question, no, we will not be clarifying what constitutes an "Invasive, non-native species". It is up to the law makers to determine which species are included not BAA.

Posted on July 25, 2021 at 9:09 AM

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