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27th Jul 2020

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Cropthorne Bream

Four nice 6 -8lb Bream at Cropthorne

Attachments: IMG_0438.JPG
Posted on August 21, 2020 at 9:10 AM

Re: illegal Fishing

Thursday Evening
I have just sat down @ 9.22 after fishing at Cropthorne meadow 12 from 8.30 this morning after finally getting to understand where to park and where th e pegs start. At 6.30 this evening we drove off only to find the track completely blocked by a fallen tree about fifty feet in from the bridge end. This was a serious bit of wood that needed a chain saw. I luckily had a signal and phoned the BAA office that gave me a recorded message and emergency number. So I rang at thankfully got though. When I explained the situation all I got was "nothing we can do" even when asking if there was a local bailiff or contact who could get us help - just the same reply "nothing we can do" so two cars are literally stuck there all night with the drivers 40 plus miles from home. Thankfully I saw the Girling AC mobile number on the gate and rang it. They guy on the end from Castle Vale was tremendously helpful and he rang someone who fishes there and rang me back explaining we could use one of the tracks over the fields that bought us out into Siddings lane. If I had rang reporting illegals fishing would someone have come out ? They certainly were not bothered with two members being stranded in the lane. And by the way while we were fishing TWO cars drove down the fields towards the railway bridge even thought I was informed you couldn't take cars onto the meadows.
I am really saddened by the way the BAA seems to be just going through the motions re illegals fishing, and not bothered with proper signs. Also when members are stranded like we were not even bothered to try and be helpful. The irony is that no matter how many signs you put up on the entrance as shown on the BAA website there are other routes into the fields that are easily accessed...

Posted on August 21, 2020 at 8:59 AM

Re: illegal Fishing

I went to Cropthorne today to have a look at the pegs. Apart from an initial sign at the top of the track nbext to Jubilee bridge, there are no signs at all that advise you its BAA water when you drive down the track. I followed it to the first field. Apart from a small cutting to park about four cars (again no signs) nothing stops or advises you not to continue onto the meadows or where the BAA water is. Totally confusing. The waters as you drive down the track that belong to Girling ACC are clearly signed in English and Polish. It seems to me that the BAA have just given up on the waters in some places. The same can be said at Sidings Lane where again the signs are very poor and i went down the wrong track again due to complete lack of signs. Also the level crossing is automated not as stated on the BAA website. come on guys, you can do much better than this !!!

Posted on August 18, 2020 at 6:57 PM

Cleeve Prior

Can anyone tell me if travellers are still a problem at Cleeve Prior or is it safe to fish without fear of harassment. Thanks

Posted on July 27, 2020 at 9:14 PM
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