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Re: Night fishing and bad behavior at Fladbury

RiverNovice. I take your point BUT whatever the members do or dont do, change has to come from within. First there has to be an acknowledgement of a problem, then an assessment needs to be made and then a plan to try and eradicate the problem. If nothing is done it's only going to get worse. I'm passionate about the BAA as a born and bred brummie I remember the good old days in the seventies when as the BAA state there were 70,000 members and 1200 affiliated clubs. The revenue stream must have been vast back then. But it's obvious that those days are gone for good. It has to be explored as to how you take the association forward and identify change and restructure that is going to benefit the club AND its members and potential members. The EA is a bust with two thirds of its funding cut. They are a toothless Tiger with little chance of of doing an effective job in protecting our waters. I'm being told that I get cheap affordable fishing for £30 as a pensioner. I I'm more interested in how much better and safer it would be for everybody if I was asked to pay £90 a year as I still see that as a bargain. Try fishing the Wye for under £10 a day ! I get to fish it 10 - 20 times a year for thirty quid if I want to ! The BAA can contact most if not all of its members by email if they want to and ask for ideas / input / constructive comments on which way forward it goes. Whatever happens at an AGM its not be the place to have an in depth conversation.

Posted on September 11, 2021 at 6:34 PM

Re: Night fishing and bad behavior at Fladbury

River Novice. It’s a fair point but with Covid still about its going to be a non turnout I would imagine.

Posted on September 11, 2021 at 3:11 PM

Re: Night fishing and bad behavior at Fladbury

The problem will never go away unless something is done about it. Legally the people who fish illegally, make a mess or night fish are doing it on private property. What are the options ? If you employed a security firm that were to work on revenue from fines and I mean being caught without a membership or licence then it’s a £1,000 fine which can be applied through the legal system then that would quickly deter these scum. The ability to take the tackle away and even clamp card for being illegally parked on private land etc… I know this sounds a bit top end but let’s face it unless you try and put a costed working plan together you won’t get anywhere. People who park on private property already face these kind of deterrents. Putting up signs on venues stating that being caught will end in fines would be a start. Signs saying that the waters are patrolled ( even if the are not ) would make some people think twice about going out without a membership. It not rocket science really. Just doing nothing is an insult to the members who do pay. We are the ones who have to put up with it. Some stretches have very few accessible pegs to begin with. Turning up and then finding they are taken by thieves who steal the bank and stop paying members from fishing is quite frankly not on.

Posted on September 11, 2021 at 1:36 PM

Re: Night fishing and bad behavior at Fladbury

Of all the comments made on this post, the most relevant one is by Chrissyfish. The BAA seriously have to look at putting up membership fees to sort these problems out. In the two years I have been a member after a forty year break from fishing it's pretty obvious that the business plan that sets out affordable fishing for all is no longer viable. Keeping membership prices low is in my opinion doing more harm than good. The proble of poaching is the thing I have seen to be the biggest problem. Poachers are in my opinion areas fully aware that the chance of being caught are pretty small. They also know that the later in the day they arrive at the venues they are pretty sure of not seeing a bailiff . I'm not knocking the guys who go out at patrol the waters, but they are limited to what they can achieve in both time and effectively keeping non members away. I have just got back from Arley whilst walking the dog and at 5.00pm two guys have racked up with a Barrow load of kit each. Members or not they ain't going to push all that to the bank for a few hours before sunset that's for sure. I talked to a guy at Newhall meadows a few weeks ago who was Obviously not a member and even stated that he went there because no one hardly used the stretch and was pretty sure he was not going to be asked for a BAA card. I have seen blatant incidents on non members on several different venues over the last two years.
As a pensioner I would happily pay £90 a year if it meant the club can eradicate all the thieves who steal the pegs from paying members and give the association a bad name. The BAA in my opinion need fo sit down and draw up a realistic business plan for the next five years and sort out the problem. Then let's start talking about better pegs and parking which will bring in more members and more revenue.

Posted on September 10, 2021 at 7:06 PM

Re: River Wye

Fishychris: i didn't see the documentary, and i do not try and make out to be an expert on river health, but to me the amount of small fish and fry in the river would indicate there cannot be a lot wrong with general water quality if dace, minnow, bleak, chub, barbel and roach are there in big numbers. I have been fishing the Wye since the mid 1960's when my dad used to take me out as a small boy. The only difference i see now is you will catch more barbel than Roach, back then the river was full of roach. I would have to admit that the water doesn't seem as crystal clear as it used to and the other thing i have noticed is the lack of long weed that used to fill the centre of the flow and harbour numerous eels, which do not seem to be around in big quantities (my dad would catch a pillow case full to bring home, cook and set in jelly). If there is a decline in the river that could have long term effects its going to ruin the best river in the country.

Posted on August 27, 2021 at 12:35 PM

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