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18th Sep 2020

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Re: Annual Fee and Fees for Months Remaining

Hi Stew83mul it is great to know that the membership is up by 2,000 I did not know that fact.

As for the suggestion by “Onelastcast” The Gate-Codes change annually and they are printed on the membership card, that was the reason that I only suggested a reduced price membership for the remaining months within the Calendar Year.

The purpose of this post was to consider ways in which revenue could be increased to help fund the cost of the Contractors that the Association is looking to hire to help improve the fisheries

Posted on September 23, 2020 at 7:28 PM

Re: Please sign this Petition ?

I have just signed this petition 2,085 now signed up which is quite pathetic considering how important the issue “Sewage in the Water” is!
A few weeks ago I read a really good article on this very issue in the weekend paper, it was written by Gryff Rees-Jones.
Water Companies have got away with polluting water courses as have Land Owners who when bought to justice have not been punished heavily enough

Posted on September 22, 2020 at 10:09 PM

Annual Fee and Fees for Months Remaining

As a Senior firstly let me state that the Annual Membership fee is great value for money
however with a lot of people taking up fishing or returning to fishing should the BAA try to capitalise on this marketplace to increase the membership should the Association consider offering a membership at a cost commensurate with the number of months remaining in the year?

Posted on September 22, 2020 at 9:38 PM

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